C o n t a c t
u s
C o n t a c t
u s
M o r e
a b o u t i t
D i s c o v e r C o p y

Let’s change
the game together

Spontaneous application

Senior designer

with us

Kick-start your career with an internship at our studio! With real-world experience and new skills under your belt, you’ll be ready to take on any challenge. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to make valuable connections and have a blast while doing it. Apply today and join the team.

Meet the Dream team

We’re a small team at human scale, which means you’ll get to know everyone personally and have a real impact on the work we do. You’ll have the chance to learn from experienced professionals, share your ideas and insights, and contribute to a supportive, collaborative culture that values creativity and innovation.

Image of the omen studio team having a meeting